Thursday, September 29, 2016

Why Psychology?

First, I wanted to travel to space. It didn't last long. Soon I had another big dream: I wanted to be a singer. I had probably 8 or 9 years old. The years go by and when I was starting High School, I've already had the idea of Psychology in mind. I realized how important it was for me growing up as a person, and try to help others to reach a "better life". So I have to say I never had any other option, I knew long time ago I wanted to study this.

The university this year has been alright. I was in love with the very first months. Now I'm a little messy 'cause we didn't have vacations between first and second semester and I didn't get time to start with the right foot but ok... let's breath. It's fine.

I haven't totally decided what kind of job I would like to have, but I think the clinical Psychology may be my option. All I know is I wanted to involve with my work and with the people I'm going to work with and still have time for myself.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The first side, my side.

I'm a 19 years old girl from Curicó, Chile. I grew up there and now I'm living in Santiago, because I study here. I study Psychology at the University of Chile. Before that I study at  the "Rauquen" School, all my life since first grade.

I'm the second and the youngest child in my family, so I'm "the little one" (my mom stills call me with an embarrasing nickname, which I'm not going to talk about). My sister is 5 years older than me, and even we used to fight so much when we were younger, now we get on well. Luckily... 'cause now we live together.

What do I like to do? Well... there's a lot of things. For example, I really like listening to music and singing. That's sometimes a problem 'cause my sister has troubles with the "noise", so most of the times I have to wait 'till I'm alone. I enjoy reading and writing too, but I haven't done this last thing in the last time. I also love watching some serials by myself or a movie with friends. It depends on.

I'm interested in learning new things, new languages, new places and new people. Following those aspirations I end up travelling for a month in the "Ruta Quetzal" program. It was amazing. Indescribable.

Now I'm just breathing, trying to figure it out what's next. Hope good things come soon!