Thursday, October 27, 2016

Churros with chocolate

This picture is very special, because it was the last day in the "Ruta Quetzal" (BBVA). Angel Colina, the photographer of the Ruta took it (I think so, maybe it was his assistant). Here we are taking a very special breakfast. It's funny 'cause the camp leader, Luna, woke up us everyday telling us we're going to have chocolate with churros for breakfast, but every single day it was a lie. But, finally, in the last day, they gave us the promised!

I like this picture so much 'cause it was the very last picture we all had. This was my Group, (Group number ooooooone people) and I'm really missing them, and it's so sad 'cause as we're all from different places, it would be so hard to be all together again.

The photo was took on the 29th of July, this year, in Madrid. One month before that, it was all beginning. It was such a great experience


  1. wow! AMAZING! i love your photo. First i wanted to go Ruta Quetzal jajaja and two, in 29th of July i was in MADRID too, and i loved "churros con chocolate". I'm happy for your experience.

  2. wow, its a full-of-meanings photo, definitely it was a great experience!

  3. Is so great that you were part of ruta quetzal!
